Saturday, January 08, 2005
Leanne rocked @ 1/08/2005 03:07:00 AM
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I'm [YOUR OBSESSION PERCENT GOES HERE] obsessed. How obsessed are you?
The Ringer Obsession Test
I don't believe this. I thought that I'd score really high on fanfticism. But apparently, Im just not obsessed or fanatic enough. Darn! Not even 50%. But at least that's a pretty healthy score. And at least i was HONEST! Which was not entirely the case for SOME!
Ah well! I shall do it all over again! I'll still be honest with my answers.... erm... just a little more exxagerated with some, i suppose!
Leanne rocked @ 1/08/2005 02:32:00 AM
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Thursday, January 06, 2005
Haha! Its been like a whole a month since I last updated! But well, better late than never. At least it hasn't been 2 months!!!
I decided to log on and blog today cos I had a most crazy thought.
I was sitting in bed last night, re-writing the 2nd and 3rd chapters of my fict, when I started thinking of the Sydney bunch... as elves personified! How strange!
Fels: Ersetor, Chief Counsellor to Elrond, Master Strategist. Must have come from all that Utopia.
Mr Ngo: Glorfindel, Balrog Slayer, Re-born Sneschal of Imladris. Boy, do I see Glory at the pubs after a hard days work slaying orcs and Wijayas. HAHAHAHAHA! Nah....! Just someone everyone loves, I guess.
WT: Gildor Inglorian. Not book cannon, but lord of the wandering elves to me.
Trex: Arwen --> Duh
Nicky Boy: Elrond, Lord of Imladris. Elrond as according to cannon. NOT MOVIE CANNON.
LM: Haldir. Marchwarden of the Golden Woods. Now, I wouldn't have wanted to give my ddb Haldir away to LM. Nothing against her. Just that I thought and thought and thought. And somehow, she just fell right into it. I mean, you kinda think that shes really arrogant and all that when you first know her, but then, she does take care of all of us after all, much like Haldir taking care of Rumil and Orophin, as well as well... Lorien, I guess. So there. Its Haldir for her.
So there you go. That's all of us in a nutshell. I've been thinking of fitting everyone in, and going to the extent of changing their names in my mobile phonebook to their... erm... elf namesake??? But I kinda thought that was taking it too far.
Oh yeah. I've been writing quite a bit lately. But its hard to actually post anything really concrete, cos I'm not too decided on what the storyline will ultimately be, and its hard to do so with the constant re-writes. but here's something i've stolen from Eawen Penallion.
"If you happen to be working on some creative writing project, post a sentence from each of your current work(s) in progress in your journal. It should probably be your favourite or most intriguing sentence so far, but what you choose is entirely your discretion. Mention the title (and genre) if you like, but don't mention anything else. This is merely to whet the general appetite for your forthcoming work(s)."
Only 1 major WIP.
Fulfillment: Prologue
But what would have struck an obeserver most would have been the blanked expression and stillness of the dark elf in contrast with the open vulnerability of the golden elf. Lips trembling as he pressed little kisses to erestor's dark head, the observer would have seen grief; so palpable in the great shuddering breaths he took, in the desperation with which he held onto to the unmoving body, in the silver tracks which ran down his face, and in his blue eyes once brilliant but dulled with the double-edged sword that was love.
Fulfillment: Chapter 1
He agonised over which words or phrases to use, he worried over the length of his report, and fretted over the myriad ink blots which marred the parchment and the legibility (or illegibility) of his script. More oft than not, he would give in to his frustrations and end up handing in what he thought looked like something the cat dragged in. Erutalon was an elf who worked hard, and took pride in his work. But writing simply defeated him, and he hated having to submit such inferior work, and to the Chief Counsellor no less!
Till Next We Meet!
Leanne rocked @ 1/06/2005 01:02:00 AM
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