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Friday, October 22, 2004

My gosh! I haven't been blogging lately, cos I've just been feeloing too lazy. Am thinking of switching to loivejournal instead, cos everyone writes in loivejournal, and the blogrings are really cool. Only thing is, if i'm really serious about getting into it, I gotta come up with a pseudonym. Was in bed with the appendix og the sils in front of me, cos i decided to try looking for a name, and the only thing that I could come up with was Alcarinque -->The name of a constellation named for 'The Glorious'.

So glad that Eawen now has a lj site. Cos makes checking for updates a whole lot easier. Decided to leave an encouraging message for her. She writes so well.

Now I have to figure out what to do to get a beta. Its so scary how everyone's ficts are so well written....

And meanwhile, I have my exams to think about

I'm so unmotivated.


Leanne rocked @ 10/22/2004 01:33:00 PM | Comment


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I want to wipe that smug smile off her face-


With my fist.

Leanne rocked @ 10/06/2004 02:30:00 AM | Comment


Friday, October 01, 2004

Rain rain, go away, come again another day..... yes, yes, its been raining 2 days 1 night in a row already. How annoying. I hate it when this happens. I hate it when the day is so dreary. Sigh..... I realy miss purple storms that flash and roar. Talk about a tempest. Miss hearing the wind howl, and the skies flash and roar. Haha! And Ella and Elro used to wonder whether they were balrogs or dragons fighting with the Valar. How funny! Ok, I'm getting obsesed. I haven't gone to MPA to vote lately. I'm just so annoyed everytime i see ppl voting for crap fict writers. I'm like
"puh-lease, gimme a break man" You're supposed to nominate writers you think deserve to win, and not writers you're voting in simply because they're your 'friend' FRor goodness sake man! Read all other stories before you cast your vote and waste it on someone who doesn't have half as much talent. Humph.

I'm so annoyed. I've reformatted my computer about 3 billion times already. Ok. Not quite. 3 times already. And what do you know, but its infected with 3 worms and 1 trojan AGAIN. Bloody hell man. At least, its not because I haven't been using firewalls or whatever. Its cause "This worm exploits the Windows LSASS vulnerability..." Meaning that I shoulda downloaded the windows crit updates. Argh. Shall borrow the service pack from the girls later. I'm still annoyed though.

Think I was a little mean to Da Jie just now. Oops! Sorry girl. I was very crabby cos of the damn worms. Argh! Wonder if anyone has written anything for the juicer yet. Shall go check now. My muses haven't been talking to me lately, so haven't even really thought about the current theme. Shal;l get to work on it soon though.

Leanne rocked @ 10/01/2004 06:44:00 PM | Comment


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