So here I am, sitting in front of the telly, and watching Donald Trump fire someone.
I'm so annoyed, and somehow, I feel so tired and so drained.
I think I'm spending too much time out and everything, and as much as I love spending time with the gang and all, it feels as though its getting a little too much.
Anyhow, was having dinner with them, and Fels was saying that we should do something fun. Do something different.Haha! Watchin Queer Eye with then made me suddenly wanna do a wine and cheese day. Shall keep in in mind till the weather warms up.
She rules the roost with a velvet clad fist
She twirls and glides, a queen holding court
but under the lights, her plastic tiara glitters
gaudy oestantiousness revealed to the naked eye
Under the lights her foundation cracks and flakes
Lips pouting in garish colour
Mouth forming empty wordsAnd yet she holds her court in thrall
Locked in rapt enchantment.
And as she speaks, and as they listen,
She holds their invisible strings in her hands.
Playing them for the fools that they are
Like puppets they nod
they scrape they bow
A simulacra of dancers brought to life
They swirlThey whirr
a flurry of bright skirts, painted smiles, glazed eyes, and hollow laughter
but one-
strings cut, limbs dangling, broken in all its decrepit beauty
familiar captivity exchanged for freedom
unending charades exchanged for reality
As animation sparks across its wooden features
And lo and behold, it stands
on shaky knees and jangling arms
it takes tentative steps away from the glittering stage.
Strides Coalescing into one
A foot in front of the other
The puppet breaks into a run
Turning its back on the life it has known
As it simply walks awayInto the darkness
Into the void