Monday, May 24, 2004
hi, this is felicia and i'm the leanne's guest blogger for daaaaa weeeeekkk! *drums roll*
hahaha oh well, actually, i just sorted out her wanky blogger. It hasn't been posting her stuff the way she wants. You see the post below this? Yep, that was written LAST week. It was repeatedly being published beneath her older posts for some strange reason. Clearing her temp files made everything right. :) The post's kinda outdated coz the essay's in and Sunday just passed.
I feel really clumsy right now. My fingers, small as they are, are really large on leanne's keyboard. I keep punching the wrong keys. so.. clumsiness isn't just about tripping over pebbles or your own foot. It's also about being too big in a world that seems to be shrinking everything. ok, make that MOST things because the world's still mad about big female assets.
Ever since Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunctioned," many industries are taking the sex appeal, or at least reducing it, out of their adverts etc. High time it happened. However, Gold Coast latest advert features many women in bikinis, stretching, posing and lazing in provocative poses. The advert was designed by a lady (I forgot her name) who felt that was what Gold Coast is about - sun, bikinis and ladies. Funny it didn't feature many men, wonder what happened to sufer dudes.
Ah, I better go. I'm David typing on Goliath's keyboard. It's an absolute pain. Have a good one peeps!
Liiyyyaann, thanks for letting me guest blog!! :P *muacks*
Leanne rocked @ 5/24/2004 09:57:00 PM
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Hi all! I know that some of you are waiting for more updates on the creative thingy aka 'thingymajigs' (pronounced thingy-ma-jigs)! So anyway, here goes. The theme is "the living doll".
So go ahead!
Make what you will of it. Feel free to do whatever you want. Change it to "living doll" or "a living doll" as long as it basically stays the same... you get the point.
So anyhow, just do your stuff, post it in your blog, then tag me and lemme know!
One more thing. I know that i said that it probably won't take much time, and that is true. But in light of the fact that this is super rushed and last minute, you guys get the WHOLE WEEKEND to get it done!! So try and put it up by Sunday yah? Actually, i know that this is meant to be in the name of fun, and that there isn't supposed to be a time limit. But there's no point in opnening a thingymajigs and having ppl give in their stuff 6 months late right?! I know I probably would if there wasn't a time limit! So there you go! Let your creative juices flow! Blend them! Mush them! Mix them! Dilute them! Whatever! Just have fun while you're doing it! That's the whole point of this thing!!
All that being said, toots! And hopefully i'll be seeing all your stuff soon!!
p/s: i'll be putting my stuff up too, if you're wondering. just not tonight. Hafta rush my essay which was due on tuesday. YIKES!
Leanne rocked @ 5/24/2004 09:30:00 PM
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Monday, May 10, 2004
My God has been very very good to me. I feel so loved. Lately, I'e been asking and asking and asking, and God has just been giving, giving, giving. How wonderful is that? Anyway, i knew that i was gonna be meeting ralph today, and so i told God to help me exercise grace, and be nice to him, and sure enough, He just put it in me to....erm.... love everyone today. Hahaha! Yuppers!!! Had my stats test early this morning, and wasn't even the slightest bit crabby at all. Somehow, the morning just seemed really beautiful to me, everything was fine and dandy, and everyone i met along the way was just lovely. Anyway, I got a little pissed today, and it was pretty obvious, which wasn't very good. On the way home, God reminded me again, that i should exercise grace. I mean, in certain situations, WWJD? And I just felt so ashamed I made an effort to be nicer.... not super nice, but just a bit nicer. And then i felt good about it.
So here i am, knowing that i really should start on my essay, which was supposed to be handed in today, feeling really loved, and good about it. DARN! But i truly DO feel GOOD!!
That aside, i'm thinking of doing this writing thingy, just to see how our creativity gets juiced out! To all out there who are interested, this is how it goes. Me and the girls will come up with a theme, and basically, we'll all write something that's centred on the theme/object. It can be anyway you want. Prose, poetry, or short dialogues. So let's say the theme is.. "ice and frost", then you can just write about something that's centred around ice and frost. Get it? Simple right? Anyhow, if you're interested, leave a comment or something, and I'll get back to you or something. I dunno. Just thought of it today, and thought it might be fun.
BUT, this is NOT a competition. Its just for fun. Feli said that we write in different ways, and obviously, we all have different ways of expressiong ourselves. So i'm just really curious how it'll all turn out.... know what i mean? And anyway, this won't really take up a massive amount of time, cos its not a competition in the first place. Just give yourself 20 mins or so to come up with something. Short and Sweet... Unless you're really long-winded and rambly like myself! *hyucks*
Do let me know lah!!
Leanne rocked @ 5/10/2004 08:48:00 PM
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Niiiiiiiick!!! what did you put in the coffeee? couldn't sleep at all last night man! phew!
Anyway, one good thing came out of it. I was reading the pilgrim series, and i came across this line that really struck some chord in me. "Never before has his name tasted so good on my lips" or something like that. Anyway, i wrote a little something at 3am today.
never before has the sound of your name tasted like poison
coursing through my veins
gnawing away at my heart
eating away at the love i once had
never before has my love for you tasted like bitter rain
drumming itself on the hollow walls of my heart
spilling into pools of sadness
destroying the frail web of my dreams
sweeping away what i gave in love into the gutters carelessly
never before has your betrayal
consumed a mind full of jealousy
dimmed the embers of fond memory
leaving behind lifeless dust, ash and vacant eyes.
never before
and btw, i hate the new blogger page. it sux. i don't know how to navigate my way through this..... hmmm....
Leanne rocked @ 5/10/2004 08:48:00 PM
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Hi all! I know that some of you are waiting for more updates on the creative thingy aka 'thingymajigs' (pronounced thingy-ma-jigs)! So anyway, here goes. The theme is "the living doll".
So go ahead!
Make what you will of it. Feel free to do whatever you want. Change it to "living doll" or "a living doll" as long as it basically stays the same... you get the point.
So anyhow, just do your stuff, post it in your blog, then tag me and lemme know!
One more thing. I know that i said that it probably won't take much time, and that is true. But in light of the fact that this is super rushed and last minute, you guys get the WHOLE WEEKEND to get it done!! So try and put it up by Sunday yah? Actually, i know that this is meant to be in the name of fun, and that there isn't supposed to be a time limit. But there's no point in opnening a thingymajigs and having ppl give in their stuff 6 months late right?! I know I probably would if there wasn't a time limit! So there you go! Let your creative juices flow! Blend them! Mush them! Mix them! Dilute them! Whatever! Just have fun while you're doing it! That's the whole point of this thing!!
All that being said, toots! And hopefully i'll be seeing all your stuff soon!!
p/s: i'll be putting my stuff up too, if you're wondering. just not tonight. Hafta rush my essay which was due on tuesday. YIKES!
Leanne rocked @ 5/10/2004 06:48:00 PM
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Saturday, May 08, 2004
for those who are still wondering, no, the Lord of The Rings craze hasn't died down for this author yet.
In fact, this author has a new character crush.
Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth
Anyhow, a short biography is in order.
He was basically the prince of Dol Amroth during the War of the Ring, and ruled the fiefdom of Belfalas in southern Gondor where the coastal city of Dol Amroth was located. He descended from a Numenorean and an elf of Lothlorien - so I assume that he's got to be really good looking in a way, since he's got a bit of elf blood mixed in him!! :)
Anyway, he had a "noble bearing", with dark hair, and grey eyes like the sea. In case you're wondering, He was also Denethor II's brother in law.
Yah, so we know how Peter Jackson had to leave off a few characters which he thought were not central to the theme of the One Ring. How would Prince Imrahilo have fit into return of the king then? Well, he was supposed to have been at Minas Tirith.
"During the War of the Ring on March 9, 3019, Prince Imrahil led a company of Knights and 700 men at arms to Minas Tirith to help defend the City. When the forces of Sauron overran the Pelennor Fields on March 13, Prince Imrahil led the sortie that rode to the aid of Faramir and the rear-guard who were retreating from Osgiliath. With them rode Gandalf, and the Winged Nazgul fled before him. Faramir was struck by a dart and the Southrons would have slain him, but the Knights of Dol Amroth drove them away. Imrahil drew the arrow from Faramir's body and staunched the wound, and then he carried his nephew back to the City on his horse. Denethor retreated to the White Tower with his son and would not come down, so Gandalf took command of the besieged city and Prince Imrahil assisted him.
At the Battle of the Pelennor Fields on March 15, Imrahil saw the procession bearing the body of King Theoden of Rohan and he dismounted to pay his respects. Then Imrahil noticed that the Rohirrim also bore the body of Eowyn of Rohan, but the Prince perceived that she was still alive and he sent a man to the City for help.
Imrahil then rode into battle, and he came to the aid of Eomer and his Riders, who were outnumbered and hard pressed. Then Aragorn arrived in the ships of the Corsairs and the tide of the battle was turned. When no foes remained alive on the Pelennor, Aragorn, Eomer and Imrahil rode to the Gate of Minas Tirith.
Aragorn did not want to enter the City without the permission of the Steward. Imrahil recognized that Aragorn was the rightful King, but he agreed that it was wise to wait because he knew his kinsman Denethor was strong-willed and proud. But when Imrahil learned that Denethor was dead and Faramir was gravely ill, he suggested that Aragorn, the rightful ruler, be summoned. Aragorn came at Gandalf's request to heal Faramir, Eowyn and Merry, but he declared that Prince Imrahil should rule the City until Faramir awoke."
And you know the part where Aragorn and the rest of the army went to the black gates and fought there just before the ring was destroyed? Yup, you guessed it, Prince Imrahil was there too.
"On March 16, Prince Imrahil attended the debate of the Captains of the West. Gandalf counselled that victory could only be achieved by the destruction of the One Ring and he proposed that they march to the Black Gate to distract Sauron's attention from Frodo the Ring-bearer. Imrahil said that he would follow his liege Aragorn, but since Minas Tirith was under his command the Prince advised that some should remain to defend the City. In the end it was decided that an army 7,000 would ride forth. Then Imrahil laughed and said:
"Surely this is the greatest jest in all the history of Gondor: that we should ride with seven thousands, scarce as many as the vanguard of its army in the days of its power, to assail the mountains and the impenetrable gate of the Black Land! So might a child threaten a mail-clad knight with a bow of string and green willow!"
The Return of the King: "The Last Debate,"
The Host of the West left Minas Tirith on March 18. Imrhail suggested that they first attack Minas Morgul, but Gandalf did not want to risk drawing attention to the route that Frodo had taken into Mordor. As they marched north, the heralds announced their coming, and Imrahil told them proclaim Aragorn as King Elessar. When Saruon's forces emerged from the Black Gate on March 25, Imrahil stood on the front line with his men. They fought the Battle of the Morannon until the Ring was destroyed and the realm of Sauron fell. "
Yup! So there you go.
What's the point of this marvellously long and rambly entry?
Well, i used to flip through magazines and point at some male models and go, "Oh! He'd make a good elf!" Now, I'd probably go, "Oh! There's a good Imrahil!"
Err..... having read through this entire entry, i've only just realised what a raving loon i am. No matter.
(sourced from
Leanne rocked @ 5/08/2004 06:56:00 PM
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Friday, May 07, 2004
there's this thing lately about blogs.... and well... blogs... well, all i can say is this. just hate it when ppl take things out of context and twist it . hrump. whatever it is, doesn't really seem to be bugging me so much. maybe because i know what i said, and i know the context i said things in, and i'm not going to make excuses for it. aiyoh. why are you getting so hung up about this kinda thing?
i feel really sad for X. let's put it this way. in all of X's rants and raves, it has come to light that X considers Y as a really close friend.... as in.... buddy o pal kinda close friend. what is really SAD is the fact that X's close friend doesn't even seem to treat X in the same light, and Y is kinda oblivious to X..... hm..... i dunno.... i guess i'm not very coherent now am i? doesn't matter though.
actually, if i didn't know what i already knew, then i would have said that X was sorta nice. but acting cool is definitely not nice. acting cool is definitely not cool. pretending you smoke when you don't is seriously not cool either. oh well. what a poser. (reminds me of a certain B who faked everyone into thinking that B had terminal cancer and was gonna die in like 3 mths)
A poser definitely, and a sad one at that.
I think you're lonely. I think you're too critical of yourself and others. I think you're insecure. I think you need help.
A word of advice: much as i hate to admit it, i enjoy reading your blog. even knowing that what i'm gonna say may lead to a deprivation of "blog-entertainment" time for me, it is to YOUR benefit to move your blog. Its an open secret now, and its really sad. And no, i'm not doing this out of some noble altruistic purpose. I just feel sorry for you.
Leanne rocked @ 5/07/2004 04:16:00 PM
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Thursday, May 06, 2004
i shall leave you with a quote:
"Science, it would seem, is not sexless; she is a man, a father, and infected too." (Virginia Woolf: 1977: p.159)
made in regard to the 19thC century "proofs" provided by craniologists that the female brain was smaller than the male's, and therefore women "were stupider than men."
Leanne rocked @ 5/06/2004 05:03:00 PM
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Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Leanne is a really strange girl
Leanne is a really weird girl
Leanne is a really BRAVE girl!!!!!
Limei (crowding my left shoulder.....): Leanne is a really stressed out girl
As Leanne was saying, before she was SO RUDELY INTERRUPTED..... (hint hint - "go away Limei....." =P)
- she's really brave.
Cos, she made an appointment at the dentist, went for her appointment, and got her wisdom tooth extracted.
Oh yah, before I forget, many thanks to the woman kneeling on the floor beside me now (Limei) cos she offered to hold my hand at the clinic! *awww...... so sweet!!!*
Poor Leanne, was drooling on herself yesterday.Limei interjects-->> you should mention, "drooling blood" (which is true btw, got blood over my sweater... yucks!)
And Poor Leanne couldn't eat solid stuff yesterday.
But Not-So-Poor Leanne feels DAMN GOOD cos she was rebellious and ate a chicken and mushroom puff today, even thought it took her a good 30 mins to finish it.
Leanne has finished her story.
And Leanne has managed to update her blog AND tell her story..... all at the same time???? --> Why do ppl say that leanne cannot multi-task????!!! :D
- end -
Leanne rocked @ 5/05/2004 05:07:00 PM
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Saturday, May 01, 2004
this is so annoying i logged on with the xpress purpose of blogging needless to say i had something i needed to get off my chest how annoying that i cant remember what i wanted to say now so anyway i decided that i shall do something different and write without the use of any punctuation thats certainly something that emily the strange would do isnt it as many of you would know i have just recently updated my blog and the general feedback i get is that the red is too blinding well check this stare at the screen for like one minute then look away and youll see red spots how cool is that
oh yes if you managed to get pass all that rambling can someone tell me how to left justify my thingy
would really appreciate it
Leanne rocked @ 5/01/2004 07:09:00 PM
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